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Unlock Abundance & Transform Your Business: Raising Your Rates

In this week's episode of the Manifest Mad Money Podcast, I delve into one trick that can transform your business trajectory: raising your rates.

I've witnessed many people questioning their pricing models. Fear can be overpowering, but it doesn't have to dictate our success.

I faced a similar crossroad back in 2020 when the pandemic first hit, and I made a bold move. I decided to accelerate, shift my business structure, and raise my rates. It was a leap of faith, but it paid off. In 2020, I achieved my first multiple 6-figure year.

Don't let fear dictate the trajectory of your business. Step into your power, raise your rates, and unlock the abundance that awaits you.

Tune in to the latest episode of the Manifest Mad Money Podcast now, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

xoxo, Yolanda

P.s. Your choice of words and communication style can make or break your sales. When your marketing focuses on persuasion instead of personal power and transformation, you attract an audience that isn't ready to invest. That's why I created my new membership that empowers women to make instant sales by improving their audience connection. This membership will:

  • Provide REAL sales tips you can implement immediately

  • Teach you how to implement your Human Design to make sales even easier

  • Teach you to reprogram your old money story

Join now for $37/month and make money while having fun!

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