You made the vision board. You journaled about your dream life. You set intentions. You have done every trick in the book to manifest more money but you just can't figure out why nothing is working.
Resistance! You are creating resistance. It's that simple. When you focus on what you don't have and how it is going to come and when it is going to come, you tune into a negative energy and a lack mindset.
What you focus on expands! Have you ever wanted something so bad that you focus on it and stress and worry and then it doesn't come true but later down the line something better comes along? That's because you stopped focusing on it and pushing it away and that caused you to become an energetic match to a better version of what you wanted in the first place!
One of my favorite ways to release the urgency behind something I am trying to manifest is by putting myself in the energy of already having it. If it is a house you want to buy, visit that house and imagine yourself living there. Picture how you would arrange the furniture. Imagine what a Friday night vibe feels like in the house. What would you be doing? Make your energy match the energy of already having that thing!
Another easy way to do this is by writing down your wants/desires and tucking it away somewhere you WILL NOT be able to see it everyday. This is you trusting God and the Universe to make it happen and releasing the how and the when. You can also burn or flush this paper if that helps. The important thing is that you are releasing the "want and lack" energy. Make sure you update me with your results!