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Release fear & doubt

We are more than halfway through the year. Are you where you thought you would be?

If not, I don't want you to beat yourself up but rather be gentle in uncovering the real reason why. The reality is, if you aren't hitting those goals out of the park, there is an energy block. A self worth energy block!

One of the biggest things I coach my clients through is healing their past. Why? Because our past is where all of our limiting beliefs stem from. Stories we decided to make up and believe about ourselves and our limitations. This always shows up in their business without them even realizing it until we work through it.

Imagine dropping the fear of judgement.

Imagine dropping the fear of rejection.

Imagine dropping the fear of not being good enough.

What would that do for your soul? How would that change your energy? How would that impact your business?

I can tell you first hand, you have to believe in yourself, your worth and your abilities for someone else to do the same. Head over to the podcast and listen to today's episode on fear and doubt. Heal it, release it and stop looking back!



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Myla Reid
Myla Reid
Aug 25, 2022

This is greaat

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