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Manifesting Money Away

Are you manifesting your money away?

In 2015 that’s exactly what I did. $75,000 to be  exact.

My son attempted suicide not once but twice and in the midst of things I was striving to find the best care for him all while falling into a deep dark depression where I leaned on alcohol as a crutch.

I felt there was no way out and I began to only see negative in my life. It’s like I couldn’t hold onto money for the life of me and my 6 figure savings account quickly dwindled. I felt lost and hopeless and saw no way out. It felt like it would never end.

A funny thing happened one day out of nowhere. I remembered who I truly was deep down in my core and decided I was going to CONSCIOUSLY manifest everything I lost back into my life, plus more. This is when my coaching biz was born and took off.

Since then, I’ve consciously manifested a business that is on track to hit $300,000 this year. A biz that would not have been born had I not taken control of my thoughts, released my limiting beliefs and trusted my journey. Today’s podcast episode is for you if you feel like you are manifesting money away.



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