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manifest with your partner even if they are a skeptic

We all know that manifesting is all about the intention and energy behind it, which would then make it easy to understand that you can magnify the energy going into your desire by having others help you manifest.

One of the most repeated questions that goes down in my DM's is this, "My spouse/significant other doesn't believe in manifestation. How can I make them get on board?".

The truth is, you can't make anyone get on board with something they aren't yet ready to receive. Your journey is for you and it doesn't mean everyone in your life has to agree or approve. Others tend to come around when they see all of the crazy things you have been able to achieve and that is when they will want to hear how you manifested it all.

What you can do however, is still include them without putting a title to it. Get your partner involved with questions. Ask them to dream with you. Ask them to describe their perfect day in your dream life in the future. Ask them things like where they want to travel, what they want to see, things they want to experience, etc. The more vivid you can get them talking about this, the better. Talk about the sounds you hear, the smells in the air and what you are specifically doing. This is what activates the magnetic energy that helps you manifest.

I've done this for years with my husband and he tells me all the time he doesn't believe in manifestation. He passes this off as "good vibes and karma". Yeah, whatever, I don't really care what he chooses to call it because deep down, I know exactly what it is. I was able to get my husband to make vision boards with me by telling him we were making posters with cut outs of vacations we eventually wanted to take.

Whatever spin you put on it, the point is this, don't let your skeptical significant other hold you back from doing what you know will only benefit both of you. Dream big!

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